Welcome to the Cork City Libraries' Newspapers and Periodicals Index.
This index has been developed over 40 years to include a broad range of Irish newspapers and Irish and international journals. Please note that this is an index only - access to the articles themselves is at the Reference or Local Studies Libraries at Grand Parade, Cork.
To start your search, choose Keyword or Subject from the drop-down menu above. For a more specific search you can choose Advanced Search or Authority Search.
Advanced Search allows you to search using a combination of keywords and other search terms, resulting in a list of articles with those keywords and search terms.
Authority Search offers searches using a number of terms, including Personal Name (author), and will result in lists of subject headings.
For help and guidance contact the staff in the Reference or Local Studies departments.
Visit our websites at www.corkcitylibraries.ie and www.corkpastandpresent.ie